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Memorial Day 2008 Barnegat Light

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Family Barred from being with Terri

I just heard on WPHT 1210am *The Big Talker* that Terri's family has been barred for the last five hours from being with her. This was reported to Dom Giordano at approx. 8:00 pm by her uncle Mike Tamaro (not sure of the spelling).

How can this be possible? How can this be tolerated?

How is it possible everyone isn't screaming that it is a FELONY to deny her ORAL nutrition?Not talking heroic means here, but ordinary food and liquids like for us so-called normal folks.

I am seriously beginning to believe that it is NOT Terri who is brain damaged, but the rest of us.


John Howard said...

"ordinary food and liquids" would kill her, she haD a tube that goes into her stomach, that is not ordinary. However the bigger issue is her condition. Why on Earth do you think you're in a better position to know what she wanted than her husband is?

I Hope. said...

Since she did NOT have a swallowing eval since 1993, and nurses HAVE fed her, it is entirely possible "ordinary" foods and liquids would NOT have killed her. Of course she would not have been able to chow down on a cheeseburger, but apparently she was able to swallow pudding and jello. Ordinary should not be starving someone to death. I suppose you have ever gone days without food to see what that feels like. If she felt no pain, why did she require pain medication during her menstrual period?

As far as the bigger issue being her condition, I never claimed I was in a better position to know than her husband. I claim that she needs updated and complete tests to determine that condition. He went very quickly from declaring his undying love in the malpractice trial to claiming she wanted to die and spending all the money won from that trial to end her life.

Can you really NOT see a problem with that?