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Friday, April 01, 2005

Final Review

This is a copy of a fax sent to the ME in Pinellas County. Feel free to copy, edit and send it on yourself. It was reported to Glenn Beck on the radio that forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht was refused permission to sit in on the autopsy on Terri Schindler Schiavo. If she was unable to obtain justice during her life, we can try to achieve it after her death. God bless Terri and her family.

April 1, 2005

Dear Dr.Thogmartin,

It has been reported in the press that a full and complete objective autopsy is not going to be performed.

According to the Medical Examiner's department mission statement posted at: , the mission of the Sixth District medical examiner's office ...requires the utmost objectivity irrespective of personal beliefs or emotional attachment to the circumstances of any particular case.

As it is in the Department's own Mission Statement, we trust that you would extend professional courtesy to those in your field, such as Dr. Cyril Wecht, who reportedly have asked to be permitted to observe and lend their expertise to this particular autopsy. It is of no benefit to Ms. Schiavo or her family to do an incomplete autopsy without addressing any of the lingering questions regarding many possible bone fractures, and of little benefit to ONLY study the brain and provide limited review of the complete body. It would have been a far more accurate assessment to test her brain function BEFORE her death than attempt to determine level of activity after her death.

Judge Greer has not allowed an MRI or PET Scan. PET scans are of no value post mortem, but MRI may have some limited benefit, in addition to the physical autopsy, particularly for small, old injuries to ligaments and muscles that would be consistent with a trauma that occurred due to a crime (e.g. strangulation or abuse) if one had occurred.

Despite the currently accepted rationale for her initial "event", evidence on postmortem examination may reveal that Terri Schiavo was the victim of a crime many years ago.
It would also seem prudent to allow an objective observer, with no connection to the county, the Schiavos or the Schindlers to dispel any rumors of impropriety or incompleteness regarding the autopsy.

If there are perpetrators of a crime covering something up, they will not want such an examination done. They will be afraid of justice.

Please give Ms. Schiavo and her family closure to a tragic situation and ensure that a proper investigation and complete autopsy will be performed. Include unbiased observers of those in your field to add credibility to the review and dispel any lingering questions. It is the only way to guarantee ..."the utmost objectivity."

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